For Foster Youth:
Youth who are aging out of foster care at age 18 as well as 21 year-olds who have aged out of extended foster care are eligible. Apply for Omni Family Foundation services. A case manager will contact you with to help you continue the process.
Omni Family Foundation can help you access resources for housing, job training, education and career building opportunities, as well as provide continued case management and guidance.
For Professional Providers:
What is the first step to connect a young adult who is no longer part of the foster care or extended foster care system with Omni Family Foundation?
No. Even if a youth is age 18 and has already signed out of foster care — or age 21 or older and already out of extended care — they are eligible to apply for assistance through Omni Family Foundation.
For Donors:
Financial donations will support housing, career and workforce development, life-skills training, education goals, transportation and daily living needs.
Omni Family Foundation is organized as a 503(c) nonprofit and will begin filing with charity watchdog sites (such as Charity Navigator) in July 2022 or sooner. To learn more about its umbrella organization, please visit
The state provides a broad range of services and support for children and youth throughout their time in the foster care system. But after those youth reach age 21 they are on their own — literally, in some cases. (Many young people age out of foster care without being adopted.) In Tennessee, youth annually find themselves facing adulthood with no family support or guidance. Omni Family Foundation stands ready to help bridge the gap between state custody and the daunting task of finding housing, a livelihood, stability and security… in truth, making their way in the world.
For Partners:
Omni Family Foundation is eager to partner with organizations, business owners, individuals, educators, union leaders, trade associations and other groups for in-kind donations, job training programs and much more. We’d love to hear your ideas, too. Please contact us to start the conversation today!